Let me guess — you’re exhausted from trying to figure out how to heal yourself of your health issue/s? You’ve been to every specialist and are still dealing with your issue/s… even with medication? Or you’ve been prescribed a pharmaceutical drug and are looking for a natural and healthy approach? Maybe you’ve just been diagnosed with something and are looking for a natural way to heal it? Instead of covering up the symptoms with a drug, you want to know WHY you have what you have and HOW to fix it naturally.
I work intuitively and utilize a unique protocol of muscle response testing to energetically scan one’s body for microbes, food sensitivities, food toxins, heavy metals, chemicals and nutritional deficiencies, which are oftentimes the root cause of most ailments. Through this, I am also able to understand exactly how the body wants to rid itself of those microbes, chemicals, toxins, metals, etc. I can detect nutritional deficiencies and gauge what the body needs to replenish those deficiencies. This is where very specific and targeted nutrition comes into play. Each person is a unique individual and therefore needs unique and tailored nutritional/herbal supplementation, dietary changes and other lifestyle recommendations. In this day and age, where everything is a superfood and the media is relentless with hyping the latest must take supplement, a unique and tailored protocol is the ONLY way to go if you want to see immediate and lasting change in your health. I can work with you in-person or remotely.
This technique has worked for me a countless amount of times. With it, I’ve been healed of chronic and debilitating UTI’s, chronic yeast (candida), a terrible bout of depression and chronic digestive issues stemming from childhood. It’s also kept my immune system strong over the years.
Initial Consultation = $275
Follow-up Consultations = $175
Digestive Disorders (Crohn’s/Colitis/IBS/Constipation, etc.)
Sinus Issues / Allergies
Eczema / Psoriasis
Low Immune (frequent colds/flu)
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Candida -Yeast/Mold/Fungal issues
High Cholesterol
Kidney Issues
PLEASE NOTE: Jill Black Holistic does not include medical diagnosis or medical treatment and is not a substitute for medical care. The healing work done here is complementary to and supportive of allopathic medicine. Jill Black Holistic is not a medical practice and makes no claims to be.
Extremely. This technique can detect trace amounts of toxins that don’t always show up on blood tests and can gauge what herbs and nutrition YOUR body wants to heal.
This depends on two really important things: the first is how well you follow my suggestions and the second is how quickly your body responds to the positive changes. A majority of my clients notice a difference right away. Some take up to 4 to 5 visits to fully recover—spread out over a couple months time. This is probably one of the hardest questions to answer since each person is so unique.
Yes. I usually recommend someone take two to four different supplements/herbs/nutrition after their initial visit.
I recommend that one stay off of certain foods for a few weeks that they may show sensitivity to. I also advise on what you can and should eat. I do not give anyone a detailed and set dietary plan. Most clients lose unwanted weight when they start.
Depends. This method really only works for those that truly follow the advice given. You have to be ready and willing to start making changes NOW. For example, if I suggest someone restrict caffeine and/or dairy for a few weeks—then I expect them to do just that. I’m a wealth of information and I aspire to educate my clients and teach them how they can make long term change to their health and eventually be able to help themselves.
Wed-Sat. Daytime and evening appointments are offered.
Please call/email/text me for a booking.
Singers, due to the nature of their art itself, put a ton of stress on their vocal cords, throat and sinuses. This stress causes inflammation and weakness in those areas. Microbes, particularly molds/fungi/parasites/bacteria, love to move into those weak areas and proliferate, which causes more inflammation and mucous. Singers benefit tremendously with this technique because it addresses the root cause of the problem and is able to pinpoint how to heal it. I also incorporate energy healing into most of the work that I do, especially for singers, since they need a lot more support. I work on supporting their diaphragm, vocal cords, throat and sinuses. Although most singers initially come in for help with ENT issues, they find that other areas that had been bothering them, like digestive issues/reflux/headaches, etc. have also been addressed simultaneously and HOLISTICALLY.
PLEASE NOTE: Jill Black Holistic does not include medical diagnosis or medical treatment and is not a substitute for medical care. The healing work done here is complementary to and supportive of allopathic medicine. Jill Black Holistic is not a medical practice and makes no claims to be.